“Electromagnetic Radiations” Electromagnetic Radiation Electromagnetic Radiations are waves of oscillating electric and magnetic fields, which move at right angles to each other and outward from the source. An Electromagnetic Radiation may be described by its frequency (the number of oscillations) of the perpendicular electric and magnetic fields per second, expressed in hertz (cycles per second). Examples of electromagnetic radiations include: electromagnetic spectrum Gamma Rays Light Radio Waves Terahertz Radiation X-Rays Electrodynamics Electromagnetism * [26336]
Electromagnetic Radiation Electromagnetic Radiations are waves of oscillating electric and magnetic fields, which move at right angles to each other and outward from the source. An Electromagnetic Radiation may be described by its frequency (the number of oscillations) of the perpendicular electric and magnetic fields per second, expressed in hertz (cycles per second). Examples of electromagnetic radiations include: electromagnetic spectrum Gamma Rays Light Radio Waves Terahertz Radiation X-Rays Electrodynamics Electromagnetism *